Carers of people with eating disorders (ED) can experience high levels of burden which can lead to clinical levels of depression and anxiety; high levels of expressed emotion (EE) and can lead to a non-conducive environment to support recovery. The Maudsley Method skills-based workshops can empower carers to support people with ED towards recovery and reduce carer burden and high levels of distress.
Based on the “Maudsley Method” and with additional components that are evidenced based (e.g. Cognitive Remediation Therapy and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy), the seven workshops will help you have a shared understanding of an ED and provide a safe place to practice new skills with facilitators and other carers.
These workshops will offer professional techniques for becoming a ‘Change Coach’ for your loved one, including:
- Learn how to deal with challenging behaviour
- Learn specialised communication skills that help the person move towards recovery (Motivational Interviewing)
- Avoid traps that may maintain the disorder (accommodating and enabling behaviours)
- Support recovery and help them to develop a non-ED identity
- Learn how to self-care as a carer to ensure you maintain your own wellbeing and provide a good role model.
These workshops will help carers to better understand the eating disorder; better manage stress that the eating disorder creates and support the person experiencing the eating disorder move towards recovery.
Carer quotes:
‘Our relationship has improved massively. I really can’t recommend the workshops highly enough, I almost feel like a different person now.’
‘The workshops provide outstanding support for carers. I feel much better equipped to play a constructive role in my son’s recovery.’
Please contact Joanne Ormiston (Administration Manager) to register your interest.
We will then contact you when we plan to run the next series of workshops.
Tel: 01909 479922 or email: